(Ambiya') 21 : 16
وَمَا خَلَقْنَا السَّمَاءَ وَالْأَرْضَ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا لَاعِبِينَ

And We didn’t create heaven and earth and all that in between them as play and amusement.

Verse 45: 22 says: “The Lord has created Heavens and Earth for a true purpose, to reward every soul whatever it has been earning and they will not be harmed”. But the aimless and heedless Arabic Quran reading Fujjar are giving preference to bodily and worldly life rejecting Adhikr. These disbelievers are destined to the 7 doors of Hell as explained in verse 15: 44. As explained in verses 3: 190-191 the believer who testifies Adhikr and are endowed with intelligence will only pray with their soul as: “Our Lord! You have not created this in vain! Glory is to you! Then you shield us from the punishment of Fire!” They will only indulge in activities that are beneficial for the 1000 communities of Lord’s creatures and propagate Adhikr to whole worlds irrespective of nation or religion as explained in verse 2: 62. See explanation 7: 50-51; 14: 28-29 and 20: 124-127.